Don't You Want a French Press?

At a great restaurant the wait staff brings you a French press of their specialty coffee. The coffee is delicious, and you decide to buy French Press for your home. When you shop you find an overwhelming selection in all kinds of sizes, materials, and prices. Here is a summary to help you choose the right French press:
French Presses come in all different sizes. The smallest Press we found was 12 ounces, the largest 51 ounces.
However, because the grounds retain some of the water, the ounces are a measurement of the water going in, not the coffee coming out. An 18-ounce Press will deliver about 14 ounces of coffee. You can expect a similar ratio for other presses.
You should pick a Press that matches your use. A 12-ounce Press is good for one cup of coffee. The next size an 18-ounce Press will brew almost two eight-ounce cups of coffee. A 34-ounce Press will make just over 3 full cups of coffee.
Most Presses have metal mesh filters. Metal filters allow small fines and grounds to pass through the screen. One of the attractions of a French press is the dissolved solids in the brewed coffee.
The size of the screen makes a difference in the mouthfeel of the brewed coffee. Coffee addicts that want less dissolved solids choose Presses with the smallest mesh filters. Some Presses come with double or triple metal filters to reduce the solids.
Also, Amazon sells microfiber and cloth filters that will fit into a French Press.
Heat Retention
When brew water is poured into a French press it should be between 195° and 205° F. As the coffee undergoes a 4-minute brew time, the temperature starts to drop. In can drop as much as 40°F. This means that some of the coffee will brew at less than an ideal temperature.
Preheating the Press with hot water helps. The best solution is a double walled or insulated Press that will retain more of the heat. Keeping the brew water hot will improve the flavor of your coffee.
Ease of Cleaning
After the coffee is decanted all the parts of the Press will have a layer of coffee oil on the inside plus left over grounds. Removable parts or dishwasher-safe components can make cleanup simpler and more convenient.
You should choose a French press made of a durable material that can withstand regular use without breaking or deteriorating over time. Glass presses seem to routinely break. Plastic presses crack and deteriorate. If you expect to use the Press for a long time a double walled metal press is a good investment.
Our Recommendations
(Our recommendations are our own opinions. We have no affiliates and receive no compensation for our recommendations)
ESPRO P7 French Press $145
The Espro P7 is the top-of-the-line French Press. It has a stainless-steel double wall carafe for heat retention. Also a micromesh brew basket to reduce fines. Available in a variety of colors in either 18 ounces or 32 ounces.
Fellow Clara French Press $99
The Clara has a vacuum sealed double wall carafe. It holds 23 ounces. Inside there is a fine mesh plunger. The inside of the carafe has a non-stick coating that makes cleaning easier. All of the parts are dishwasher safe.
Mueller French Press $35
Stainless steel double wall carafe. Has 4 filter disks to reduce the
fines. Dishwasher safe
Bon Appetit