Noble Pig Weekend Menagerie
Noble Pig, October, 2009
Even though Friday began without fanfare, that all changed when the postman arrived with an unexpected package. My brother, for no other reason than he thinks I’m the bomb and wants me to have the best of everything (he really does) sent me the best coffee I have ever tasted. You see, my brother is always in Hawaii. Always. He buys all his coffee from Hula Daddy and visits their tasting room when he’s in Kona. So while placing his order last week, he ordered me some too! This coffee is to die for. Did you know coffee is rated on a 100 point scale like wine and these two one pound bags he sent me, “Kona Sweet” Light Roast received 97 points and the other “Mele” Kona Coffee received a 92 point score. If you have a coffee lover on your holiday list, this would be a very special gift. The bags even come packaged in these beautiful cloth drawstring sacks. What a surprise this was, thanks bro!!!! Article Source